In May 2020, Alberta Transportation released its admirably complete traffic collision statistics for 2017¹. It noted that 6.1% of vehicles involved in fatal collisions were motorcycles. Another 1.4% involved bicycles.
The following human factors were the most significant “Improper Actions of Motorcycle Operators Involved in Casualty Collisions”:
Motorcyclists were more likely than motor vehicle drivers involved in casualty collisions to run off the road, make an improper turn, or make an improper lane change. Motorcyclists were less likely to be in a casualty collision that involved following too closely 19.4% vs 31.7% for motor vehicle drivers.
Alcohol impairment is involved in more motorcycle casualty collisions (1.6%) than driver casualty collisions (1.4%). This is another avoidable human factor.
1 Alberta Transportation, Traffic Safety. (May 2020). Alberta Traffic Collision Statistics 2017. . See Table 5.1 and Table 7.3.
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Risk is involved when contracting a riding enthusiast/former racer/shop owner/technician rather than a dedicated professional when it comes to legal cases. The risks during litigation and trials cannot be downplayed. Having a dedicated and credible professional to provide service can reduce risk, decrease expenditures, and bring necessary accountability.
When engaging an expert for cases involving motorcycle, moped, e-bike, or bicycle operation, behaviour, or collisions, retain a professional. Retain an experienced and credible scientist who is also a licensed motorcycle instructor and who has instructed over 600 riders on safe and prudent operation of motorcycles and bicycles on public roads. Retain Ross.
To learn more about Ross’s background and motorcycle forensics services offered, call Ross at (403) 800-9189 or toll free at 1(844) SEE-MOTO or complete our online form.
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